Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sunday best

This stylish little boy is just about the cutest thing to ever see a 2 piece suit.  He is darling.  I love how big he looks in his little suits.  At six months he sits up all by himself and can even get himself to a sitting position from his tummy.  He crawls moderately, but he army crawls like nobody's business.  He is fast.  He can crawl on knees as well, but he's so much faster in his army crawl with his right elbow forward that he generally reverts to it.  He continues to LOVE his jumper and bounces like a maniac every day.  He is finally taking his naps in his crib.  No more swing for this little guy.  He continues to sleep through the night in his own bedroom, but he regularly wakes at 6:00 am which I'm not thrilled with.  Still, he is so easy to put to bed at night that you can hardly fault him. 
He still isn't the most cuddly baby ever, but he has taken to
giving quick and loving kisses and snuggles.  They're enough to make anyone melt.  He's a little more challenging for mom with his new mobility.  When I go pick up the kids she says, "he was everywhere today."  Indeed he is.  It's nice, though, because he's such an independent little guy that I'm grateful he can get around.  We throw various toys all over the living room floor to slow his efforts.  The one problem with his new found freedom so far is that he loves to pull the cords out from the carpet lining.  When I yell at him, he laughs.  He's always thought it hilarious when mommy yells at Xiana.  Apparently we are going to have to try a new tactic.  He used to eat baby food so nicely that I stocked up.  Just in time for him to decide he is beyond baby food.  He will only eat real food these days.  He especially loves cheesecake!  Hopefully there will be an eventual resurgence in his baby food eating desires.  Otherwise someone will be the lucky recipient of a lot of baby food.  He's getting more and more coordinated with his little fingers feeding himself.  I've discovered one thing he loves is to hold his own spoon.  Much of the food makes it onto his face, but he's content to play with the utensil so I let him.  He continues to be daddy's buddy.  He lights up when Brian gets home from work.  He also continues to be a squirm worm.  He bounces incessantly.  He never stops moving.  He is a wonderful, perfect, joyful, serious, baby.  He makes the earth stop.  We love him so!

And don't even get me started on this little girl.  She continues to be remarkable in all ways.  She is extraordinarily intelligent, gifted, beautiful, and spiritual.  She has now graduated to bearing her testimony solo (which is great for me because I no longer have to go up every single month, but I don't feel like I'm depriving her).  Last month she marched herself up to the stand, cutting off two people in front of her, went to the podium and said, "I like to bear my testimony, I know this church is true.  I love my family.  And I know that everything's gonna be great."  She then turned and shook hands withe the bishopric.  She is so incredibly confident and able.

She has memorized the first 3 articles of faith.  I think we're going to work on all 12 this year.  Her ability to memorize is astonishing.  I scarcely have to work with her at all in order for her to commit the verses to memory. 

For young women the other night, we watched the movie, Emma.  Xiana was telling us that Emma was Joseph Smith's wife and that he was the first prophet of the church.  It seemed she had a pretty solid handle on him so it shocked me when, at the end of the movie when Joseph was killed, she sobbed and sobbed and sobbed.  She was heart broken.  I kept asking her if she thought he was still alive.  She was broken hearted.  I explained to her that this was a long time ago and that even if he hadn't been killed he would certainly be dead by now, but she was inconsolable.  Finally, I explained that he lives again, like Jesus, and that we will get to see him again some day if we make good choices.  She is such a tender, affectionate little girl.  Sometimes I don't realize that she is still a four-year-old.  Her presence is so mature.  She is so sweet to feel the spirit and be excited to express her knowledge to the world.  She tells me all the time the teachings of the scriptures.  She loves primary and knows all the songs.  She is passionate about her lessons and takes class very seriously.  She is, like her brother, a joy to our family.  We love her.
I don't have a picture of Ekco for this post because we didn't have her this weekend, but I wanted to write about her as well.  She has grown into a young woman in the last year.  She is no longer a child.  It's remarkable to see her growth.  She, like Xiana, has such an ability to remember songs, scriptures, and stories.  She wants to write and illustrate her own fantasy book, and I think it will be exceptional.  She is thriving in school, but more importantly, her spirit continues to be nourished and filled.  When we read scriptures at night, she comprehends everything.  Parts that are challenging for adults are not lost on her.  Her prayers are so involved and articulate.  She is such a help with Xiana and Kolton.  She and Xiana disappear for hours playing imaginative and intelligent games.  She is also learning to cook and is a great help to me at dinner time.  She regularly comes in the kitchen and asks if she can help.  What a wonderful blessing she is.  We love her.

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