Friday, November 25, 2011

New toy

So Dad got a new toy...much to the dismay of my mom, but it is a great new toy! One which we will use as many times as we possibly can. We love dad's new toy!
We took dad's new toy out to the moon rocks behind our house.  Despite wind chill and blistering cold, we enjoyed ourselves immensely.  We took turns riding the ATV, but Brian was in charge of loading and un-loading.  Those not riding the toy still had fun climbing, talking, and enjoying the beautiful wonderful, great outdoors.  Xiana is much braver than her coordination should allow.  More than once she had to be told not so fast, or not so high.  She's fearless this little girl, completely and utterly fearless.
My mom wanted nothing to do with the four-wheeler.  She insisted that she was there to watch and only watch.  We tried everything to get her on the four wheels.  She was adamant that she had more fun from the sidelines.  I did not believe her.  She kept saying she needed practice first.  Finally, I insisted that she ride with me and promised I would not do anything scary.  She finally agreed (or was forced).  I took her on a very calm, very straight ride.  The whole time I kept asking, "see, isn't this fun?" to which she promptly responded, "no."  Well, at least she went for a short jaunt before deciding it was too scary.  She wondered how she managed to end up with such a group of thrill seekers.  I assured her that she, in fact, did not end up with true thrill seekers as evidenced by the other groups of people at the moon rocks that day. 
Part of her ploy to stay home was insisting that it was too cold for the baby to be out and she needed to stay home with him.  We let her know that he would not be missing this fun outing.  Cold or no, that boy loves the outdoors.  He was made for them.  He loves to be out in the hills, and he thrives on the excitement.
Plus, he had his little snow suit that kept him nice and toasty the entire time. The hood didn't cover his ears the way I'd hoped, but his mommy was kind to share her beanie with him.  While I was taking a ride on the ATV, Brian took the opportunity for a photo shoot.  This is my favorite.
But Brian is partial to this one!  When I got back Kolton had a mouth full of dirt... it's worth it!
Brian might constitute a true thrill seeker....   he loves to drive up rocks and steep hills.
Xiana was so proud of her ability to climb the rocks.  I was grateful that Grandpa was cautiously concerned, holding her hand and going on adventures with her. 

I went for one ride with Brian and discovered that he is much more fun than I am.  No wonder Xiana wanted to ride behind him.  He's crazy! 
Brian was certainly the only one that took the ATV up on the rocks. Of course, he has a lot more experience than the rest of us (never mind about the two serious injuries in incurred on recreational vehicles).
The very best part about being out there was spending time together in the outdoors as a family.  It's wonderful to have opportunities to develop and strengthen family relationships. 
Not to be outdone by Xiana, Brian had to take Kolton up the rocks as well.
And Xiana took a ride where ever she could get it.  She went on more rides than anyone else and wasn't the least bit tired of it.
My most favorite guys in the whole world.  Kolton enjoyed his little jaunt as well.
My climbing, proud girl.  She loves to explore.
It was a wonderful, fun filled outing.  And we made it back in time to get a lot done later in the day too.  I know my mom isn't thrilled with this new toy, but we are!!!!
Grandpa and his girl, smiling, having fun, and feeling the wind in their hair and faces.  This is the life!!!

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