Thursday, November 3, 2011

Again and again and again

Okay, so we may or may not have gone to the pumpkin patch every Tuesday, Thursday, and one Saturday in the month of October. But hey, who's counting? Also, it is so much fun. Who can resist? I guess I could have stopped taking pictures the fifth or sixth time... but then I would have missed out on this rare gem.
And this one!
Xiana desperately needed to get her face painted 10 times.
And it was imperative that she hear every story read in the story time barn. She LOVED The Old Woman Who Swallowed a Bat. She talked about it all day.
Weather in Reno is funny. The first day we went, in September, was chilly. The second day, downright cold. Then every other trip we made were HOT. Xiana opted out of the hay ride the next few times we went because "it's too hot." My nephew is with us in this picture. Poor kid was wearing a thick, long sleeved shirt. He told me more than once he was sweating, but that didn't deter him from sling shotting (is that a word?) a lot!
We enjoyed ourselves so much this year. Every time we went Xiana would ask who was going to be there because there were always plenty of friends. Once I asked her if she wanted to go even if nobody was meeting us there. She assured me, "that's okay, Emma will be there." Emma lives there. She was dubbed (by her mom) the pumpkin patch orphan. She is so darling and has had the time of her life this month. I bet her little heart breaks when the season is over and she goes back to normal life where her friends don't show up every day to play. What wonderful memories!
Xiana has a love hate relationship with feeding animals. In theory, she loves it. In actuality, it generally freaks her out.
This little guy is happy happy happy. Who wouldn't be when they get to be carried all around in a front pack and simply hang out?
When we had Ekco I made sure we stopped here for a bit before heading to the hills. Ekco loved it. She got too get her face painted.
Here is Xiana and her bf Emma aka pumpkin patch orphan.
Apparently Xiana had had her face painted enough, she opted for her hand.
Then we watched a HILARIOUS presentation of the three little pigs. One of the guys in our ward was the big bad wolf.
It. was. classic.
The kids genuinely enjoyed it.... I might venture to say the adults did also.
Kevin and Kylee met us up there too. Everybody got the wear-orange-memo.
The hay maze is fun, but relatively easy. When my nephew was here he was in there for a long time. When he came out he told me, "boy, that sure is hard walking in there." It was darling.
Brian, the resident pro, taught Ekco how to sling shot.
He couldn't resist trying his hand a few times.
And Kolton took complete advantage of the situation and slept.
Their farm has goats, llamas, emus, cows, horses, a yak and cak, chickens, pigs, dogs, cats, turkeys, and lots of pumpkins.
Ekco loves animals. She's really good with them and interested in them. Most animals like her too. She has a gift.
This is where the memo really pays off!
This was a scary scare crow.
Their big dog is very friendly. Even Xiana will pet him and she's often hesitant.
She loves to pet the bunnies!
Several girl scout troops put up and decorated scare crows. There was a whole row of them. Many were really cute. This was our favorite. Xiana kept pretending it was her dad.
Some days I think it was a challenge to see how many kids could fit on the tractor. Quite a few! This is so awesome! The Andelins are amazing people and we are GRATEFUL to have them as our friends. This is such a wonderful tradition and we look forward to spending every October on their farm!

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