Sunday, November 20, 2011


I spent a good portion of the weekend cleaning out Xiana's art corner. There is this challenge in determining what to do with the vast amounts of creations she has. She spends so many hours doing art projects... the mess adds up.  She was a good sport.  I filled an entire garbage bag with her "creations."  I spent some time thinking about art.  What is it?  How do we determine what is invaluable and what is simply trash? I've seen plenty of childlike paintings go for millions....I recognize we could discuss for hours, thousands of hours, the intricate value of art, and what makes it worth something... all art.  So, as I de-cluttered our house a bit, I also delved into the age old question... In the end, I think art is arbitrary, political, contextual, and in the eye of the beholder.  I value many books others do not.  I also do not value many paintings others find moving.  For Xiana, the beauty of art is creating it.... not keeping it.  Perhaps some day.... For now I'm grateful to have the resources available for her.  I think of so many children around the world without the means for artistic expression.  My heart goes out to them.  Xiana spends her days in a world with glue, scissors, markers, paints, papers, bags, pom poms, and a vivid imagination.  For her, and for me, the experience is invaluable!  (and the time I get to have guilt-free towards my own artistic expression... or work... or cleaning the house).

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