Monday, August 1, 2011

Concerts and movies

Sometimes we have concerts in our living room... they're pretty spectacular.
Sometimes we go to concerts at the movie theater (as in the kids are singing along to the music so loudly I feel like I'm at a concert).
And sometimes we go to concerts in the park. Xiana has mastered the African dance and loves to show off to others. It was really sweet. There was an adult with down syndrome that regularly attends these shows. He was dancing with the kids up front and I didn't think anything of it. The next day Xiana said, "that big guy was dancing just like this." and then perfectly demonstrated how he was dancing. I laughed and told her that was a great duplication. She said, "he was funny, but he was kinda creepy." I explained to her that his brain didn't work the same way as ours and that, even though he was in an adult body, his brain was more like a child. I explained that he had special needs and that he was different, but that he was not creepy. I told her that there were all kinds of special needs that made people different, but not scary or bad, just different like disabilities, blindness, deafness, etc. About an hour later she asked, "mommy how do you know that boy with special emotions?" It took me a minute to figure out who she was talking about and then I laughed. How sweet she is. I explained that I could tell he had down syndrome from how he looked and acted. I also told her that I was glad that what she took from the discussion was "special emotions." How perfect.
The kids danced in circles all night long.
Kolton did pretty well. He didn't start crying until the end of the night when he had reached his quota of wind in his face (it was extremely windy). Unlike his character he screamed the whole way home. Fortunately, this park is across the street from us:)

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute what she said! Good for you to teach her about people with "special emotions" I would like to go to one of those concerts at Lazy 5 sometime this summer. They are fun, we've only been once though a few years ago.
