Thursday, December 3, 2009


Several months, yes months, before our trip I told Brian that for my 30th birthday I wanted to go on the Stratoshpere rides. I have been on them several times before, but since I got pregnant had not gone on a single ride (unless of course you count the kiddie rides at the carnival that I finagled my way onto for free as Xiana's escort) and I was fiending for a thrill. I absolutely adore roller coasters, rides, anything that makes your stomach do little flips. So... he said, "sure" maybe he even said, "of course." I don't really remember what his exact words were, only I know that he was supportive of my plans. Then, a few weeks before our trip, he went to Vegas for the weekend and when he returned he explained to me that I had somehow failed to mention that these rides were 100 stories up. I don't know how that could have slipped my mind, but I also don't know how he could possibly not know about the Stratosphere... he is from Nevada after all. I know people who think it is a compass that EVERYONE uses for directions. At any rate, he wasn't quite so pleased once he got all the details. Nevertheless, he agreed to take me on the rides. So...after much pleading, persuading, cajoling, and finally snapping, we went to the Stratosphere. For those of you who don't know what these rides entail... here are some descriptions...

The Big Shot

The Thrill Ride that Touches the Sky!

Strap in to the Big Shot and prepare to be shot 160 feet in the air at 45 miles per hour as you overlook the majestic Las Vegas Valley. In a matter of seconds, the Big Shot thrill ride catapults 16 riders from the 921-foot high platform up the Tower's mast to a height of 1,081 feet and down again. Before you catch your breath, you'll be shot back up again! Experience a gut-wrenching four 'G's of force on the way up, and feel negative 'G's on the way down as your legs dangle in the Las Vegas skyline.

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream on X-Scream!

Ever played on a giant teeter-totter, 866 feet above the ground? With the X-Scream, you can! With a space age, yet simplistic design resembling a massive teeter-totter unlike anything you've ever seen, the X-Scream will propel you and several other riders head-first, 27 feet over the edge of the Stratosphere Tower. Try not to scream when you go over the edge - you don't want to scare the other riders! After being shot over the edge, you'll dangle weightlessly above the Las Vegas Strip before being pulled back and propelled over again for more.

Three 'G's of Pure Insanity!

Insanity the Ride is a truly mind-bending experience! A massive mechanical arm extending out 64 feet over the edge of the Stratosphere Tower at a height of over 900 feet, Insanity will spin you and several other passengers in the open air at speeds of up to three 'G's. You'll be propelled up to an angle of 70 degrees, which will tilt your body into one position - facing straight down! If you're brave enough to keep your eyes open you'll be rewarded with a breathtaking view of historic downtown Las Vegas. Experience Insanity and walk away to tell the tale!

His sister is brave like me and she willingly, I dare say enthusiastically went along.
Here is the view from the window at the top of the tower. Brian has an uncle who got out of the elevators and then ran, oops, I mean crawled back into the elevators immediately. Brian kept teasing me that he was going to do the same. But...
he made it!! He doesn't look too scared either does he? He claims he was, but he seemed to be having such a great time I think he was just joking about the fear of heights thing, right babe?!
Double thumbs up ready to go.
I could not persuade him to go on the swings, but his sister went. Truth be told, I knew that he wouldn't go on that particular ride because it spins in circles which I know he can't stand, so I let him off the hook of that ride very early on.
The other rides, however, I insisted on... and he liked them. In fact, I heard him say more than once, "that wasn't bad." Okay, so that might not be a shining recommendation, but it sure beats the alternative. I, on the other hand, thoroughly enjoyed myself and am so happy that I got to go on the stratoshpere for my 30th birthday. Maybe for my 40th I can jump out of a plane.....

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