Saturday, December 12, 2009

Let it Snow!

Last Sunday we got ready for church and I decided to let Xiana wear her Christmas dress so that she would have more than one opportunity. Little did I know, this was the foreshadowing of the weather.... white Christmas indeed! Anyway, this if from the back because this dress has beautiful bows on the front and the back... and she looked beautiful!
My cheesy little angel!
My friend Karina gave Xiana some homemade bows for her birthday that looked like they were made with the dress. So much so that Karina herself was wondering where I had gotten them for a little while. It took her a moment to recognize them as her own.
That evening we went to our monthly potluck (there is a group of us that have a potluck at rotating houses every month. It is so much fun and doesn't leave an extraordinary burden on any one family. I really look forward to them. The only sad part for me is that, thus far, Brian has only made it to one of them.... we will try to remedy that!) When we got there it was chilly. And when we left....
It was snowing!
Kacie picked up this adorable and warm jacket for Xiana right in the knick of time!
The next day we played in the snow. Well, let me rephrase that, I helped my dad shovel snow while Xiana ingested as much as humanly possible until she was frozen. She loves to eat the snow! I have to tell her everywhere we go that she is only allowed to eat snow at our house.
My dad found her a little sand shovel so that she could help with the clearing. Phew, it's a good thing she was there. I don't know how we would have managed without her.
The shovel also served as a helpful utensil to consume more snow.

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