Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, Xiana and I went over to Kacie's so that Xiana could get her annual spoiling. Kacie is crazy! Yes, crazy! She has single handedly kept Xiana in toys and clothes pretty much since birth. This year was no different. She managed to find the single most perfect gift for Xiana this Christmas... all of the Sesame Street characters. Xiana loves Sesame Street. Every morning when she wakes she asks, "watch Elmo today?" and then as soon as it's over she states, "I watch Elmo again tomorrow." So, needless to say she LOVED her gift. The only problem is that she has little concept of stuffed animals that don't do anything. She keeps bringing me her friends saying, "push buttons, make Elmo sing." When I explain to her that these are toys and she needs to use her imagination because they don't do anything she says, "okay, make Abby sing?" It's quite comical. Poor baby has no understanding of toys that don't make noise.
While we were driving to Kacie's house Xiana yelled out the window, "happy Halloween!"
She later revised to, "happy holidays!"
Here she is with her new posse.

After we left Kacie's house (with about six pounds of fudge) we went to see the Frog and the Princess. This is only the second movie I have ever taken Xiana to and it is her first princess movie. She has been so excited about it telling anyone who would listen that she was going to see it. She kept telling me that there were two princesses which I didn't understand until we saw it. She must have seen a preview somewhere. Anyway, I love that this is her first princess movie for several reasons. First, it is the first black Disney princess (it's about time!), second, the princess's name is Tiana.... closely resembling Xiana, and third, Tiana is a hard working waitress! Xiana was enraptured the entire time (well except for the 15 minute nap she took). The music was fantastic really capturing the heart of New Orleans and Xiana snapped her fingers, stomped her feet, and shook her little booty to the music. It was kind of scary at parts containing voodoo black magic, but she never got scared. Only later when I overheard her telling her friend that it was, "kinda scary" did I realize that she understood the shadow monsters. All in all, it was spectacular. I'm so glad this was her very first princess movie! Later that evening we acted out the Christmas story with the nativity set (which she somewhat listened to). At the very least she understood that the angel came to tell the shepherds of Christ's arrival because she was "flying" around with a trumpet in her mouth. Another thing she certainly got this year was that it is Jesus' birthday. Several times throughout the season I have overheard her singing Happy Birthday to Jesus. Garrett has a tradition of watching Muppet Christmas so we all piled on to my parents bed and watched it. For once Garrett found someone who appreciated the movie as much as he did. Right before bed I told Xiana that Santa would be bringing her presents and filling her stocking while she slept. She didn't like the idea of that at all. Santa is still kind of scary to her and she said, "he'll hurt me." I reassured her that he was very nice and he would not hurt her, but she stuck to her guns repeating that he would hurt her. I guess it makes sense to be afraid of a big strange man coming into your house while you sleep. Still, reaping the rewards of that scary man the following day might have helped alleviate some of her fears.

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