Saturday, December 12, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

This is Kacie's beautiful Christmas tree. I had Xiana pose in front of it so that I could pretend it was my own. I marvel at her ability to go all out for Christmas. I think it looks beautiful, but maybe I'm a little bah humbug-ish because it also seems like a lot of work (to say nothing of cost). Regardless, Kacie always decorates her whole place extravagantly, and I love visiting.

Please notice all the presents under this tree...mind you, Kacie lives alone!
Then we went to the ward Christmas party... speaking of extravagant decor....
Xiana hasn't been able to see as much of Charlie as normal lately between winter colds and busy schedules so they were thrilled to get to spend an evening by each other's sides.
Xiana is not into sitting on Santa's lap. She proclaims to all who will listen, "I no sit on Santa yap, I sit on mommy yap." Although she did tell him she wanted a princess which is a step in the right direction from the last 2 Santa's laps she did not sit on.
We got a tip from Kacie and went to the same lot she used for a tree.
Surprisingly, we picked the first tree we laid eyes on. The guy working said we must look around because it couldn't be that easy. Still, true to our word, the first tree we saw was the one we took home. It's funny that it never worked that way when we went out to cut one down. We usually traipsed around the woods for a long time before we found the perfect tree. This meant that we got to carry it that much farther. Disclaimer---I'm just saying. I'm not complaining because I LOVE cutting down a Christmas tree. We will have to reinstate that tradition next year.

1 comment:

  1. That dress on her is TOO precious! I can't believe how tiny she looks next to that decorated tree! So fun.
