Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Let it Snow!

After the first huge snow storm in Reno, all of the stores were sold out of snow gear. And I mean sold out! Because I lived in Vegas for the last four winters and all of Xiana's life, the thought never occurred to me that she would need actual snow clothes should we want to venture out and about. For a few days I made do with extra layers and plastic bags over her boots, but then I decided to check the stores. I guess you snooze you loose because Walmart didn't have a single pair of boots or gloves or snow pants left. Target had exactly one pair of snow pants...nothing else. Fortunately, they just happened to be pink... and size 12 months. You'd think this would be a problem since Xiana is over 2, but... she is tiny so they fit perfectly. I still couldn't find boots, but in Brian's Christmas shopping endeavors, he came across some that are, not only warm, but adorable! The final touch was gloves for both of us from Costco... Score!
Thus, we were ready to go!
The snow was really dry so when we attempted to make a snow man, we were pretty unsuccessful. I decided to make a snow turtle instead and Xiana certainly didn't mind.
We made some snow angels too. Xiana got such a kick out of it that she asked to do it again and again and again. She also asked if we could bring the angels to Brian tomorrow.
Her little angel is priceless!

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