Thursday, June 9, 2016

As the World Turns

Xiana got to go to the roller skating ring with friends (she's been begging for years) which was awesome!)

Argenta's favorite little doggy that jumps up on her and barks and never leaves her side had a bit of an incident being melted by sitting on the stove. My mom (who was watching her) felt so guilty that she bought a new doggy (cuter) that chases its tail.  However, Argenta kept them both.... she is loyal to her little doggy. She tells us all the time, "I a doggy! ruff, ruff" and wags her tongue.  Funny little girl wouldn't stay out of the dog kennel when we had dinner at Nixie's house.

Ekco brought a lightsaber back for the kids from Disneyland. It was a GENEROUS gift! The kids are obsessed with Star Wars right now and have watched all seven! Argenta watched every single one with rapt attention despite the fact that she won't even watch Dora!! She loved them and says, "I oda (Yoda)" and "Oda dies." She definitely caught that.  I have been amazed at Kolton's ability to follow the story-line and make the connections between generations of characters despite not being in chronological order. One night he said to me, "Mom, isn't it amazing that Darth Vader had enough light in him to save Luke even though he went to the dark side?" Why yes, Kolton, it is. He also can tell who was whom in each episode.... things I am completely ignorant to!~

Xiana had crazy hair day at school... we did our best!
This girl is pretty cool! She dressed herself completely.
Xiana has taken to leading the music for family home evening while Kolton break dances.

At a primary activity, Kolton was playing duck duck goose and ran right into the wall.  Ouch! Poor kid had a pretty good goose egg for a while.
It's never too early to put them to work!

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