Friday, June 1, 2012

I'm 1!

It is completely and utterly astonishing to me that this little man is 1.  Time is such a funny thing.  Like all experience, it feels like it was just yesterday he was born while simultaneously feeling like he's been a part of this family forever. He is such a joy.  His disposition is cheerful and fearless.  He loves to be a part of everything and is a non stop mover and shaker.  The kid NEVER stops running around.  He loves all things outdoors.  He is a boy through and through.  He's clever and loves to make people laugh.  He catches on to everything.  He is saying several words including: mama, dad, baba (bottle), hi, bye, all done, more, take oo (thank you), and ah wuh oo (I love you).  He understands everything we say and can do what is asked of him like, let's go brush your teeth.  However, he's just as likely to ignore our "no's and don't touch that's."  Of course he does so intentionally.  He has a wicked sweet tooth and comes running at the prospect of chocolate.  He eats much better while not confined to a high chair which makes his mommy crazy.  He loves bath time and gets ever so excited when his daddy comes home.  He gives wonderful, juicy kisses all the time.  He likes to be noticed by everyone in the room... most people generally comply.  He's messy.  He has 8 teeth with 2 molars almost all the way through.  He gets bruises on his head daily.  He runs everywhere he goes.  When he does something he knows he's not supposed to he looks back to see if anyone is watching.  He loves balls and bats and gloves and thinks it very unfair that Xiana gets to play Tball and he doesn't.  He loves to vacuum the living room with the toy vacuum. He LOVES to sweep... I bought him his own broom and dust pan, but he prefers the real deal.  He can't resist dancing when he hears music.  He hits things with toys.  He is a natural percussionist.  He eats rocks all the time, but he's gotten very good at spitting them out with just a command: he's resigned to giving them up knowing that we won't give up until he does.  He likes to jump on the trampoline but loves to jump on the bed.  He takes pillows off the couch and buries his face in them while giggling.  He wrestles his daddy and loves to do so.  He likes to jump off of all things.  He is a stair master.  He laughs a lot.  He jabbers with correct inflections all day every day.  He will not tolerate being ignored when he's having a conversation.  He snuggles in the mornings but rarely any other time.  When you hand him something he jerks it out of your hand... it's funny.  He is a happy baby.  He is loved.  He is a perfect fit in our little family.  Oh yeah, and he loves to stand on chairs... we might be making a lot of hospital visits with this one:)  He loves to go on family walks happily kicking his legs the entire time. He spots every rabbit along the way and yells to them while pointing.  He points at most things and can convey his message pretty successfully.  He loves dogs.  He loves kids. Happy birthday Kolton James Andersen.  You are the greatest little boy in the whole world, and we love you more than words can express. 

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