Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween on and on and on and on

In the land of Lenaya, holidays last for a long time. Generally speaking, I plan numerous parties/ events/ activities for every birthday and holiday. As a result, I think my poor daughter is quite confused about how holidays work in this world. For Halloween we went trunk or treating on Thursday. Then, on Friday we went to a birthday/costume party. Here she is with her little friend on the swings... I know, you don't even have to say it. They. are. so. cute!
Here's the whole crew at the bday bash that was a ton of fun. The days of having kids over to open presents and eat cake are over for my generation. It is not sufficient to send the kids out to entertain themselves as it was in years gone by. No, instead you must plan several activities, games, and refreshments. I'm telling you. It's enough to subscribe to my sister's school of thought: parties every other year, and only after the age of 6! But once again, I digress. There was ring toss, face painting, bounce house, trampoline, donuts on strings, gummy worms in whipped cream, and cake. Needless to say Xiana had a blast.
Mackenzie is one of Xiana's favorite friends. Xiana asks for her all the time. It's funny because her sister is exactly the same age as Xiana (and they play together nicely too) but Xiana has deemed herself the pal of the older sister. It probably has something to do with the fact that she has taken to telling everyone that she is five. If you argue with her she gets mad and insists that she is, indeed, five.
Later that night we went to another trunk or treat at the church. There were all kinds of games like bowling and fishing and she got to make a jack-o-lantern face too.
She ran around with her friends in the ward (please notice the age of the girls she flocks to... :)
I was a gypsy... Kate was a belly dancer, but if you ask me, we are kindred Gypsy sisters.
It's a little dark so you can't see this costume as well as I wished. It might be the cutest witch costume I have ever seen!
This picture is taken right after a necklace altercation was averted.
And then on Saturday we woke up and... surprise! more parties and more trick-or-treating! So we went to Alicia's house for another Halloween party. Here are the girls in Tristin's Tinkerbell room which is darling. I am jealous for Xiana!
They got to make their own personal pizzas which Xiana took great care in doing. Additionally, she ate every last bite of her creation which was encouraging to me after and before the gobs and gobs of candy.
These pumpkins blow bubbles. Xiana pondered that for a moment.
Then we went Trick-or-treating in and old neighborhood in Reno that goes all out for the decorations. It was great. Xiana kept asking me, "scary house or nice house?" But she wasn't at all intimidated by the spooky arrangements. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that I carried her 85 percent of the night.
I think this house was my favorite of the night. They had an entire cemetery and numerous ghosts and giant monsters. It was awesome!
Here are the Flinstones. I was surprised to find out the many kids did not know who the Flinstones were. I also saw a young boy dressed as Freddy Crougar. Xiana asked, "what's that?" And I said, "it's a scary guy from a movie that most kids don't know about anymore and probably wouldn't find scary if they did." "Oh" she replied. The parents of the kid were within earshot and they laughed.
Then we came back to our neck of the woods and continued trick-or-treating with Kate and Nikki until most lights were turned off.
My dad joined us too and was delighted to see his fearless granddaughter march up the steps, knock on the door and exclaim, "trick or treat" and "thank you" I was pretty tired when we got home and Xiana was pretty wound up, but all in all I would say this was a very successful Halloween. She even got a wonderful book and some money and toys. What a fun holiday. The next day it took some serious convincing on my part that we could not go trick-or-treating again until next year.

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