Sunday, November 8, 2009

MO's Shower

So my good friend Morre is having a baby and I was talking with Nixie on the phone regarding the planning, location, etc for her shower. I said, "why not have it at my parent's house?" This without first okaying it with my parents. But they're good sports and they agreed. So... all I had to do was clean the house. Stacie and Nixie came in like a whirlwind of blue decorating, cooking, and setting up the place. It was really a fun shower. There is such a difference between a nonmember shower verses member showers (and I'm not just talking about the coffee that they had to go on a run for because we *gasp* don't have a coffee maker). When non member's throw showers they go all out. Babies are not a regular, everyday occurrence. Instead, this is a once in a lifetime (and I do mean once) opportunity. Most of the people in attendance are only children and most, likewise, only plan on having one baby. This is a stark contrast to the herds of kids Mormons intend to have, and do have on a regular basis. As a result, I think Mormon moms sometimes get the short end of the stick where showers are concerned. Disclaimer--this is a generalization and in no way meant to step on any toes of Mormon baby shower planners... I know there are great ones out there! At any rate, the party went off without a hitch and Morre was blessed with ALL kinds of crazy contraptions and gifts. Additionally it was WONDERFUL to see my old friend whom I "haven't seen since Vietnam." Nixie brought all kinds of pictures from the past and we laughed until we cried as we rehashed old war stories and watched as our daughters played with each other. I miss her. She is such a huge part of me. We were best friends and roommates for 7 very formative years. Sometimes it's hard to grow up and move away from all of our old friends, but I am thankful to live in a world where travel is still relatively easy and I get to see my peeps from time to time. Xiana fit right in with her blue shirt!
There was something of a cake fiasco at the very last minute so this nothing bundt cake was a party saver. Plus, it was scrumptious!
Morre is such a stylish little mommy-to-be and honored her little boy by wearing blue.
All grown up..... sort of :)
Meka and Xiana had a blast playing together. The line of the night was this: Nixie: "Meka, stop jumping around the baby. You're a tree and she's a plant!" Gotta love Nixie! Mind you, there is only one year age difference between the two!

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