Saturday, November 28, 2009


My birthday all began with dinner in Sparks with my peeps. I know that it is highly uncharacteristic of me to not take a picture, but alas, I managed to leave Genghis Grill without a single photo. Fortunately, before I left I took a picture because I got my hair did. I know, that is also uncharacteristic of me, but Brian so kindly got me an appointment with his sister-in-law to get highlights and a cut. She is fantastic! Anyway, these pre-dinner photos will have to be proof that I did, in fact, have a birthday dinner in Sparks. It was delicious!
Doesn't my hair look fabulous? And isn't it funny how you are allowed to brag about your appearance when someone else is responsible for it? If I did my own hair, it would be totally inappropriate for me to ask that question. Okay, so as usual I digress.
On my actual birthday we flew in to Vegas and we were only delayed about an hour. That is a miracle considering the fact that there was a major wind and snow storm the entire day. As I was teaching and listening to the wind whistle outside the window, I had flashbacks of my childhood and began to remember why I had always hated having a November birthday. I suddenly remembered missed parties, cancelled plans, and snow obstructions to my good times. This might explain a lot about the way that I am...
Wendy flew Danny out for my party and boy was I surprised!!! It took me completely off guard and was so thoughtful of them both.
Man I miss my friends. I wish that you could all just pick up and move to Reno and be in my ward!

Brian braved the crowds and accompanied me to my party. There were a lot of people there... a lot! He managed to meet some important peeps to me. It means so much... All my friends in Vegas were extraordinarily influential on me and my re-activity in the church and the birth/life of my child. I really wanted them to meet the love of my life and vice versa... so thanks!
Delicious cream cheese costco cake that I ate for the rest of the week! All the food was extraordinary compliments to my old personal chef!
Xiana was thrilled to see her friends too! It was pretty much mass chaos... just like I like it!
And then the after party.... :)

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