Friday, November 20, 2009

Ode to 30

Oh 30, how I embrace thee,
For I know the joys that 30's can bring,
No longer an age where you are cast aside,
But rather a time for a roller coaster ride.
Some find you daunting and severe,
I welcome your presence and do not fear.
Alive and alert, vibrant and young,
You're not even close to 41!
So farewell to my twenties,
An age of the past,
Hello to my thirties,
How I hope you will last.
No limit to the excitement we'll share,
My enthusiasm cannot be compared.

No doubt there'll be heartaches,
Though I wish it not so,
But with struggles comes strength,
So I'm certain I'll grow.

For the next 10 years, you'll be by my side,
Rooting me on when disappointments reside.
I'm grateful to you and the time that you give,
Because one thing is for certain......
It sure beats the alternative!


  1. Happy belated birthday to my dear sweet wonderful friend. I am glad you have caught up to me in age at least for a few months. I love you and hope your birthday was the best!
