Friday, October 23, 2009

She talks and talks...

Xiana is pretty much non stop talking these days. I have no idea where she gets it from! Here are some highlights:
  • While at sushi she demanded more water from the waitress....twice. Despite the fact that she had a full sippy, she really needed more water. The kind waitress complied after which Xiana said, "thank you so much." And later, when I convinced her there was no more room in her cup, "no thanks." She loves to be treated like an adult....especially at restaurants. I guess this shouldn't come as a surprise. After all, she was practically raised in one!
  • My favorite expression that she uses regularly is "What happened?" It comes out something like, "whhhatt ghhhaaaapened?" It's darling! Someday I will figure out how to post videos and put one up of her saying that.
  • We have been reading the scriptures at night and if you ask her what they say she says, "Jesus said (voice stern and low) no!" She is referring to Jesus telling Nephi's brothers to get their hands off of him. Still, perhaps I should be diligent about ensuring she knows other statements from Christ.
  • Yesterday morning she told me, "mommy play songs" I asked if she wanted church songs or dance songs. She promptly replied, "primary songs" I then asked which one she wanted (there are 6 cds) she said, "I am a child of God--it's my favorite." Indeed it is. She can sing every word.
  • Last night she told me, "Grandma sewing mommy's costume" I said, "yes, that's right," she recanted saying, "no, actually grandma sewing mine's costume."
  • Suddenly the world of make believe is alive and well. I constantly catch her having conversations with her friends in the back seat and on her phone. She asks them things about their day and invites them to her birthday party. It is very sweet. One day she was talking to princess on her princess phone and she gave it to me. I got on her phone and said, "yes, yeah, I bought her new clothes and Kacie bought her a new toy. Yeah, I know, she's spoiled." She gasped, "hey, my turn." I returned her phone and she got on quickly exclaiming to princess, "I no spoiled!"
  • She continues to call me Naya from time to time and it's pretty cute. I always tell her, no, I'm mommy and she says, "Naya mommy"
  • We went to Cabelas where they have a presentation of all kinds of animals mounted in life-like poses. There is a lion that has taken down a zebra and is eating it. In addition to Xiana being able to name most of the animals in the store, she took me aside and assured me that, "zebra crying." She is so perceptive to emotions and social cues. She walked in during a fight scene in a movie that Garrett and I were watching and she cried, "Guys mean mommy!" and hid her eyes.
  • Yesterday at the park she spent well over an hour making food out of the gravel and wood chips and then sharing it with me. She was so focused that I just let her entertain herself for a long time. Finally, she gave me more "food" and I asked what it was, "crocodile" she informed me. Where does she come up with this stuff?!
  • She can now sing her abc's
  • She also sings twinkle twinkle little star---at the top of her lungs all day long
  • She is excellent at putting puzzles together and can name just about anything you put in front of her
  • While in the bath one day I walked in to find her with a travel size shampoo bottle running it across her face and legs. "I shaving my whiskers" she told me.
  • One night after dinner she insisted that Brian give her a bath. So he did. They were having so much fun in there that I came in to play too. She (for the first time in history) rejected my company and told me, "Mommy No!" So I left and did laundry. I guess I should have been offended, but it was so wonderful for her to want someone else for a change.
  • Whenever anyone sneezes she says, "zoontight" and then when you say, "thank you" she says, "weltome!" She has also mastered her "peez and tank tu" She's so polite!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, I miss that girl more than you know! The kids are so excited to see her too.
