Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Joy Ride

  • This girl of mine.. she is most hysterical.  I swear.  She has me rolling every second of the day.  One night, while watching Kate plus 8 she was pining for an electric jeep.  "I wish I could have a jeep like they have." I said, "sorry sis, your mommy isn't rich like there mommy is, but if it makes you feel any better, they don't have a daddy anymore.  So what do you want more: a jeep or a daddy?"  She truly thought about it for a minute before responding, "I'll take both."  The next day, while yard selling... my girl spotting a jeep from a block away.  "I wanna go to that house mom... please please please please puhlease!!"  I told her I'd look to see how much they were asking for it. "Oh I hope hope hope hope hope it's too expensive to sell it."  Wait a second.. I think she was confused.  It was cheap, works, and she loves it.  However, after approximately 5 minutes of walking with her while driving  I learned two things: 1: I have zero (I really mean zero) patience 2: her dad will have to teach her to drive.
  • After church one Sunday she came in and told me, in her most dramatic voice, "today at church I learned-ed a powerful lesson that Jesus is with us wherever we go."
  • We were listening to the book Ramona on CD.  I thought it might be a little old for her, but we tried it out anyway.  We got to the part where Ramona cracks the raw egg on her head thinking it was a hard boiled one and I was laughing.  Xiana was not.  I asked her if she understood what was happening in the story.  She looked at me with the deepest sincerity and stoically replied, "that's not funny that she got egg on her head mom.  That's mean to laugh.  It's not funny, it's sad."  To which I laughed much more.
  • While reading a book to Kolton, Xiana climbed on my lap and said, "mom, I lost my opinion huh?"  "Whatever do you mean?" I asked, genuinely puzzled. "ya know, the thing in your belly button when you're a baby?"  "Oh, your umbilical cord!" "Yeah, that's what I said, my oom-billacly cord."
  • For FHE one night we were asking the girls how you got to go to the temple.  They excitedly replied, "you have to have a temple recommend."  We asked how you achieved that and Xiana yelled, "you have to go to!"
  • After finding, and ruining, a baby quail egg in the backyard, I over heard her telling her babies a story about "the mean danger people who got the egg and broke it!"
  • She has mastered the sassy hip shaking dance.... it makes us roll with laughter around these parts.
  • She informed me the other day that when she is older she will have 70 and one million babies.
  • One day we were looking for a turn in while driving.  We missed it and Xiana said, "you better find it or else we will be doomed."
  • Brian was going to eat at Mimi's restaurant one night.  It was very cold outside and as we were driving I mentioned that I hoped it wasn't as windy at gun club for Brian.  Xiana said, "I bet Amy's house is nice and warm."  "Who's Amy?" "You know, the girl daddy is having dinner with."
  • You have to be entirely careful what you say in front of this girl these days because she picks up and repeats EVERYTHING!  After getting off the phone with my parents I laughingly told Brian they were bickering on the phone.  The next day after I got home and Brian had picked the kids up from my parents Xiana assured me, "grandma and grandpa weren't fighting last night."  I asked what she was talking about and she said, "I told grandpa that I heard him and grandma were fighting last night.  He told-ed me that they weren't really fighting and asked-ed where I heard that.  I told him I heard-ed my mommy telling my daddy last night."
  • "Guess what mom?! I can hold my breath for like 70 minutes."
  • After picking out her own outfit of leggings and an 80's off the shoulder shirt she informed me, "mom, I look like a teenager in this outfit."
  • We got ice cream one night and she said, "I wish we could decorate it like we do at yogurt beach.  I like the decorations!" (toppings)
  • After church one Sunday she informed me, "mom I know what compassion is." "what?" "It's when you be nice to people and love them. And I know what mercy is.  It's when you give people a second chance."  touche my girl, touche

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