Tuesday, September 7, 2010

She always has something to say...

  • My first night back to school (and as such Brian's first night solo with Xiana for the semester) I woke with Xiana the following morning and discovered it only takes a moment for her to pick up Brian's lingo. I asked her what she did last night and she said, "oh... we were just dinking around." Then she proceeded to tell me this elaborate story about "this guy was jumping in the water in a snow suit, but it wasn't actually a snow suit, it was more like a jacked, but not a winter jacket a spring jacket...." Turns out she was fairly accurately describing a show they had watched. Secrets are safe no more.
  • One day Brian and I were upstairs and, while climbing up the stairs she yelled, "watch out, there's a little girl coming up the stairs."
  • After work she asked me if I sing songs at my school.
  • I took her to class with me and she asked, "where are the kids?"
  • One day in the bathroom I said, "pee-you" and she said,"no, pee-me!"
  • My car broke down on the way to Battle Mountain and I was explaining to her that daddy was going to attach a trailer to his truck, put the car on the trailer, and then tow mommy's car back to Reno. She exclaimed, "and then he will be a train!"
  • One especially tender night she was sitting between Brian and I on the couch. She put one hand on each of us and asked, "we love each other don't we?"
  • She very perceptively explained to me in the car one day that, "scars don't hurt."
  • She told us that she wants a baby sister but, "not a baby brother because they are boring." I told her that if she has a sister she'll have to share her clothes with her. Weeks later when she was saying her prayer she said, "please bless us with a baby brother." Afterwards we asked her why a brother, we thought she didn't want one. She replied, "I don't wanna share my clothes."
  • "I know what you do" she said to me, "you teach, Tosh makes hair, and daddy works on Sparks Blvd."
  • She told me that while Brian and I were on our trip "grandma had to use the liahona to get to Kate's house because she was lost."
  • One morning we were having ham and Brian was teasing her about it being horse meat. I said, "no it's not, it's pig." A few minutes later she said, "can I have some piggy? You forgot to give me piggy!"
  • We are having a constant problem with her picking her nose. The other day she had her head turned away from me and she turned to say, "did you see that?" "no, I didn't" " I was picking and picking and picking my nose." "we don't pick our noses!" "yeah, but you didn't see." "It doesn't matter if I can see or not. You shouldn't pick your nose no matter what. It's gross." "Yeah, but next time I'm not gonna tell you!"
  • She has also started the business of telling me to look the other way when she wants to do something she knows she's not allowed.
  • She has begun to make tons of scriptural associations. We were reading about King Laman and she said, "Laman and Lemuel are mean." Later, talking about Alma she corrected us saying, "it's Alma the younger." She also told me that Lamanites are bad and Nephites are good.
  • She asked us after church one day if Jesus was in our ward. Brian promptly assured her that He is in all wards.
  • We were at Cabellas and she looked at the mannequin and asked, "why do they sell people here?
  • At church on Sunday she kept asking me if she could go up (for testimony meeting). I ignored her because I thought she just wanted to talk in the microphone. She persisted saying, "after her it's gonna be my turn." Finally, I asked, "what are you going to say?" She said, "I'm gonna say thank you for God and thank you for Jesus, and thank you for my family, and thank you for church, and thank you for the scriptures, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen." So I said, you got it! She grabbed my hand and dragged me running to the front where she bore her testimony. She was so proud that in nursery she asked her teachers, "did you see me up there?"

1 comment:

  1. So CUTE!!! i love how she bore her testimony. my kids wont go up know matter how much i talk to them about it one day they will!! =D
