Sunday, July 19, 2009

Payson Lakes

My bestest friend Cambridge, her daughter Morgan, Xiana and I went to Payson lakes and then hiked the gorge. I vaguely remember hiking the gorge way back when and I don't remember Payson lakes at all. How could I have forgotten such a wonderful place that was sooo close to where I lived for so many years? At any rate, the water was beautiful and the gorge was a nice, brief hike. Mostly it was just great to spend time with Cambridge! We also went to her parent's house for game night in Spanish Fork and had the opportunity to frequent my most favorite fast food joint in the world... Glades. Seriously, Utah folks have fry sauce down to an art! When I lived in Spanish I ate there weekly! It was strange to be somewhere that was so familiar, yet felt like another life. Most things looked the same with more buildings and stores in previously vacant lots. It was a nice trip to wax nostalgic on!
These falls were ICY!
I diligently tried to keep Xiana's tennis shoes out of the water, but ... it was futile!
We got to cross several little bridges.
The second lake was perfect so of course Xiana decided this was a great time for a nap!
This was the first lake we went to, but it was more of a fishing lake than a swimming one which resulted in a significant amount of dirty looks from the fishermen.

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