Sunday, July 19, 2009

Family Olympics

Okay, so I mentioned that my sisters were so clever right.... well this was Cami's creative activity....the family Olympics! Mind you, this is after we got home from the hike and had eaten a delicious dinner. Cami had all families create a family flag and a family cheer. Each of the kids got to design part of their flags which was really quite fun (Xiana colored our whole flag....apparently Garrett and Grandpa and Grandma weren't too picky).
Creative juices are flowing.
The Talbot clan obviously having a blast....doesn't Zachary's face say it all?
Xiana coloring her hands instead of the paper (this was a reoccurring problem)
The kids took a quick water gun/ swimming break.
Here is the finished product for the Frey the 2nd family.
The Cherpeski family flag.
The Talbot's creation.
And the Frey 1st family flag (otherwise known as a sword).
Cami then had a torch that she had made (which really looked like a torch) and had one runner from each family carry the torch from tent to tent and finally to the main fire which was lit. Next each family did a circle around the fire holding their flags proudly and finished with their family cheer. Then I took full advantage of the photo ops and made each family pose for a pic....

This is one of many shots of the awards ceremonies. After each event Cami had gold, silver, and bronze awards and the rest of the camp had to cheer "fill in the names" are grrreat! Depending on who took the gold. She created such events as the mom call where each of the mothers were blind folded and their children called "mama" for them to raise their hands when they heard their children's voices. I was at an advantage because I only have one, but it was a disadvantage because she was not thrilled with being away from her mommy and proceeded to repeatedly cry, "mama, mama." Other events were the daddy run where the fathers had to get all of the children across a finish line without them touching the ground, the shoe race where each of the kids had to get their shoes on out of a shoe pile and then cross a finish line, a relay race (which resulted in Xiana telling me for the remainder of the trip, "go fast mommy" because I held her on my legs of the race), and a cup cake decorating contest. This was seriously so much fun. Everybody got a chance to participate in all the awards ceremonies and everybody got to and had to participate.

The final event resulted in a great deal of frosting, candy, and cake being consumed. It was a wonderful night. Thanks Cami for your creative plan that I am definitely going to have to steal sometime.

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