Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's Raining It's Pouring

So I have about 10 more family reunion blogs that will eventually be written and posted, but in the meantime I have been extremely busy going to the lake/wild waters/river/dinners/dates (for real though) and have not had time. I know, I know, it's a hard life but some body's gotta do it! Today however, I couldn't resist the urge to quickly update all you Vegas folks on the beauty that is 90 degree weather. Do you remember that? Back in November? Well it's awesome. Today I went to my most favorite place on earth Lake Tahoe where I swam and played and had a great time. Just as we were packing up our stuff from a SUNNY day.... the clouds rolled in... I mean really rolled in. Like, not an end in sight. It was perfect though because the first rain drop didn't hit until the last raft was deflated and loaded into the car. So I drove down Mount Rose Hwy (which is already a gorgeous drive) with Xiana sleeping in the backseat and the rain down pouring on my windshield making the most noise I have ever heard from rain (this is not an exaggeration though I know I am often guilty of embellishing) and it was amazing. I turned off my music and I drove. It was magical. Truly magnificent. Nobody rode my tail encouraging me to go faster than I felt comfortable going. Nobody went too slow in front of me causing me to ride my breaks the whole way down. No. It. was. perfect. I seriously felt like the only person in the only car in the whole world so "touched" by this scene. I've never seen so much water come down at once. It was cascading down the mountain and the street. Life is beautiful. So that's all. Sorry to rub in the great weather thing, ask me again in November when it's 90 in Vegas :)

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