Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Things I will not miss about Las Vegas

As many of you know, I have been really sad about leaving Las Vegas. This has been quite the home to me and Xiana. So, in an effort to assuage my grief, I decided to catalog all of the things I will not miss about Las Vegas. I will revisit the stuff I will miss when it gets closer to my departure and I am already a mushy mess.
1. The fact that cops insist on pulling people over in the middle of the busiest streets in the entire city so that already congested places come to a complete stand still. I will never understand this. Why don't they pull to the shoulder or turn on a little side street?
2. Sitting in traffic for upwards of an hour per day
3. 100 plus degree weather
4. Thugs in my front yard every day
5. Glass, meth bags, beer cans and cigarette butts on the playground
6. No water park
7. No miniature golf. Seriously, for a city of this size, how is that even possible?
8. Not just the billboards of naked women and men EVERYWHERE, but also the machines with porn on every street corner, including the one my apt. is on.
9. Carrying groceries upstairs while also carrying Xiana
10. Feeling guilty every day I go to school because I simply can't give money to every bum who asks.
11. buying/filtering water because it is so disgusting
12. Leaving Xiana at daycare everyday while I go to school/work
13. Writing papers!!!!!!
14. Reading things so fast that I don't even get to enjoy them in order to meet deadlines
15. Budget cuts
I can't think of anything else right now, but I'm sure more will come to me. For a hot minute I thought this really was helping. Nevertheless, I am still sad. Oh well, maybe writing my things I will miss blog will help articulate that sadness and therefore alleviate it..... or not :)

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