Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fun new toddler expressions

Xiana's language continues to explode and she attempts to mimic EVERYTHING you say. Some of my least favorites are: "oh crap" = "oh twap" "brat" = "baht" (oops, better get rid of that terminology :) Some of my favorites are: "oh no" (in a very high pitched voice just like her mama) "again" (for anything involving spinning until you can't see straight or chasing until you can run no more) "oh boy" "hep" = "help" "ah done" (again and again and again in her high chair while she accompanies her "all done" with the sign as if to reinforce its meaning) My all time favorite word of the week is "ga pah" for grandpa. I have a picture of my parents above her crib. While I have pointed out to her that grandma and grandpa are there a few times, in no way have a made this a habitual statement, or repeatedly pointed them out to her. Still, for the last two nights after I have put her to bed and prayed (with her tiny little arms folded... too cute) and said "nigh nigh" and "bah bye" and before I have made it to the door to turn out the light, she has exclaimed while excitedly pointing up at their picture "gah pa, gah pa!" She has further insured that I acknowledge that, yes, that is her grandpa and grandma above her crib prior to my leaving the room. It is so sweet that she remembers and wants to reinforce that knowledge as we say good night.

She loves her ga pah!
This week at day care she got to play with real lady bugs in the gardens they planted. She also got to make animal tracks, look for gummy worms in chocolate pudding, and play on a magnificent tree house indoors when it was too cold to go outside. I am so grateful that she has such a wonderful daycare where I feel confident leaving her every day. However, because it is so structured and they do so many things, it has been hard at home to entertain her up to her standards. We are constantly on the go anyway, but she thinks that she should be moving at all times. I think after we get back from Colorado next week, we are going to have some alone time at home to remind her that mom can play at home, and that can be fun too.

Here she is being an escape artist as I try to herd her into the house after school

Still running. "mom, isn't this a fun game?!"

Check out her round belly!

Here we are at Tiffany's baby shower.

I know you can't see either of their faces, but we went to a game night this week at a friend's house and this little girl was there too. She is only 4 months older than Xiana!!! Check out her height! Xiana did not reach her shoulder!

Here they are seriously discussing the importance of binkies and blankies

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