Friday, July 1, 2016


  • Xiana's best friend (and her mom.. my best friend) is moving. It will be a big change in her world and likely alter her life in substantial ways. She's been taking it in stride and seems to be fairing fine, but she said they last day of school the girls cried and cried together.  It makes me so sad, but I know that is life.
  • She finished the second grade with flying colors making it on honor roll with every report card.  She loved her teacher and is such a helper... and a little bit of a know it all. 
  • My mom, Xiana, and I went to see a church movie, "Singing With Angels" and it was really sad.  At one point I looked over and Xiana was just sobbing.  My heart broke a little for this sweet sensitive girl, but also because I felt it had been too long since I've actually seen her.  I've been focusing so much on helping Kolton that I all but quit paying attention to Xiana. It was a good wake up call to me to be better.  Balancing is the hardest thing as a mother.  So we started reading Anne of Green Gables together just the two of us. It has been wonderful to have that one-on-one time with her.  Plus, I've been waiting for years to read that series with her!
  • She continues to get taller, but has only gained a pound.  
  • She has decided to do hip hop dancing this year instead of ballet. I think she'll love it, but she's a bit apprehensive.  
  • Her teeth are FINALLY growing back in... a year later!! So her smile is less and less hole-y.
  • Our wards and stake just split and she thanked Heavenly Father for it in her prayers. I asked her if she really felt that way despite being split from all her friends and she assured me she did. What a wonderful quality to be flexible and optimistic and grateful. I sure love this little girl who is not so little at all anymore.

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