Saturday, September 12, 2015


Our main event was Lagoon.  We seriously LOVE this amusement park! It has stuff to do for all the ages, and the lines aren't crazy. It was 105 degrees this day, but we went on the water rides to cool off.  Argenta was amazing. She was stuck in a stroller for most of 12 hours and we scarcely heard a complaint.  Even Brian and I got to ride a bunch of awesome coasters thanks to family and trading baby care. And XIANA went on the COLOSSUS with me! She didn't have time to think because there was NO LINE! It was epic! I love that roller coaster and it was seriously incredible to get to share that enthusiasm with Xiana. It was her first real roller coaster and she loved it! I've invested a lot of time and carnival rides into cultivating a roller coaster buddy.  That moment made me certain it was worth the time and effort.  Kolton was die hard running from ride to ride... jumping on everything he could get his feet on.  Ekco surprised us by being willing to go on more thrill rides than she's wanted to in the past. Like her dad, she tends to get motion sickness and doesn't love thrill rides.  Brian took all the kids in both haunted houses which Kolton was most thrilled about.  We took turns trading kids with Tim and Brittany for a few hours and then Heather and Eric for a few hours. It worked perfectly.  When we were talking about going the night before, everyone said they were planning on leaving around 8! I was shocked because I didn't think it was even allowed to leave an amusement park before it closed. I was so proud as the ENTIRE lot of us (27 people) left the park at closing time (11pm).  Our kids were asleep before we got out of the parking lot.

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