Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wedding minus 545 pictures

So, here it is, the day before and of our wedding play by play:
9:00 am: show up at Brian's house to pick him up to take care of the 3001 things on our to do list only to find him making pancakes in his jammies. First minor melt down ensues.
9:15 am: head to the rental place to pick up rentals
10:00- 3:00 pm: set up the church, have loads of help from family and friends, miscount flowers by 120, watch Xiana have melt down after melt down, feel extraordinarily guilty, have a major melt down, rethink wedding, get more help from family and friends, feel better, church is set.
3:30-4:30 pm: down diet dr. pepper number 4 and head out to our new house to show family
4:30: jump out of and in to clothes to head back to the church to help with the rehearsal dinner.
5:00-10:00 pm: enjoy a delicious dinner hosted and prepared by Brian and his family, visit with family and friends for quite possibly the first time that day, watch as the gym is transformed into a beautiful wedding hall, remember how much I love my soon-to-be-husband as we listen to our sisters practice the song and also as I watch him sweep and mop approximately 75 feet.
10:30 pm: rip apart 3 bouquets because the little girl's were almost the exact same size as mine... too big for them and too small for me. Put the bouquets back together and breathe a sigh of relief when they end up beautiful. Pack stuff for wedding day, night, and to make our new vacant home livable for one night.
1:00 am: crash and sleep easily and immediately.
7:00 am: wake up hold Xiana. Head out to our new house again to show friends.
9:00 am: Meet my family for breakfast at Black Bear. Thwart Brian's family from their meeting place of Black Bear. Laugh because I think it's both romantic and funny that they go somewhere else rather than risking the groom seeing the bride. Feel nervous only slightly, mostly excited and anxious.
10:00 am: go home, finish packing, visit with family.
11:00 am shower... breathe
1:00 pm: head to Brian's to pick up Ekco to get our hair done by new sister-in-law, Tosh. Eat fruit and chocolate and drink coke zero.
1:30 pm: get hair done and it looks absolutely amazing... get teary eyed.
3:00 pm: do makeup and only drop mascara brush 3 times....nervous?
3:30 head to the church to meet friends and family and get dressed. Make sure slide show (countless hours in the making), music, and flowers are beautiful and cued...they are.
4:00 pm: Get dressed. Stop breathing for a few minutes in part because of the dress and in part because of the adrenaline.
4:30 pm: get ready to walk out the door. Try to keep Xiana from having a melt down, send the girls out in front of me.
4:40 pm: The girls look absolutely beautiful and I put lipstick on them both which they think is a treat. Watch them walk down the aisle and only find out hours later that Xiana yells "daddy," when she sees him standing at the arch.
4:42 pm: take my dad's arm and walk...... realize I forgot the ring and send him back for it..... get to the arch and take Brian's hands.
4:44 pm: Everything is surreal and I can no longer account for a play by play description. Bishop Mooney says some really wonderful things which I cannot focus on for long enough to actually register (he printed it out for us which is an incredible idea). All I know is that I am holding hands with the man I love, the man I am marrying, and I can't believe it's finally here. I cannot be more happy than this moment. Sometimes I stare into Brian's eyes and sometimes I look away for fear of being overcome with emotion. The bishop gets choked up and I see Brian's cheek start to quiver and I have to look away to compose myself. Then we both say "I do." And we're married. And I know, like I've always known with absolute certainty that this is the man that I want to spend the rest of my life and the rest of eternity with. Ali sings To Make you Feel My Love and Cami accompanies her. It is beautiful. The entire thing is perfect. Brian and I are smiling from ear to ear and I can't seem to squeeze his hand hard enough. I want to crawl inside his being and become him. Figuratively speaking I do. Relief, joy, happiness, gratitude and a million other emotions create an indescribable phenomena. We take the girls and head outside for pictures. Xiana is kind of a pill but it doesn't matter because the pictures turn out amazing. We head back in and stand smiling for 500 more pics with family. Then we try to eat something, but it is precisely at this moment that people start piling in. We spend the night hugging, talking, dancing, and sharing this moment, this uncapturable moment with so many people we love. We don't really get to spend any length of time with said people, but in our hearts we know they're there and that is enough. Plus, that's the way it goes. The bride and groom aren't there for everybody else:) It. is. perfection. There is a bit of confusion at the end of the night of who goes where with what and whom. The girls are both a bit miffed at us for leaving for our mini moon without them, but we go anyway:) We head to our new house and I am now Mrs. Andersen. And we now are united halves that make a whole. And it rocks. And that is where this play by play ends....


  1. Yay! Remember when we were on the phone and you were all, "There is this guy... and he hunts!"? HAHAHAHA! YOU MARRIED HIM! I am SO happy for you guys. :)
