Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A much needed break from the house

The first two weeks of married life were spent painting, painting, and painting some more. Suffice it to say I will blog about the house some day... possibly when we are done with the house in 2012, but for now, trust me when I say that I needed a break! Brian's weekend with Ekco couldn't have been more perfectly timed. I was getting so sucked up into working on the house I was becoming an irritable ogre and I didn't even realize it until... we got to Battle Mountain and I took a deep breath. It was wonderful. I could not work on the house. I did not have any grading to do. So we just plain enjoyed ourselves, played, hiked, and had a great time.
Ali was back from Cedar City so she went exploring with us and even Tim and Brittany joined in on the fun. It is so wonderful out in the mountains behind Brian's parent's house. I know I say this all the time, but it truly is wonderful to be able to get out of the city and enjoy the outdoors. It was so soothing and calming and forced me to remember that there are much more important things in this world than whether or not the 20 foot ceiling has proper coverage.
As usual there was an old tractor. We rarely go out when we don't find some old type of machinery.
And an old mining contraption with superman flexing his muscles up at the top. I didn't take a picture of it, but I shot one of Brian's rifles and I hit my target perfectly and it was fun!
Grandma came too!!!
We just walked around and Ali took the kids up and down the hills which they appreciated.
And, also as usual, Brian played around on Tim's bike and Xiana insisted that she get a ride on the motorcycle. Actually, it's kind of funny but Brian has a nice motorcycle and Xiana has never ridden it and I have no pictures of it. He never rides it, but every time we are out of town he rides Tim's.... go figure:) I guess the streets just aren't the same as the mountains.
Ekco and Xiana played on top of this hill for a long time giggling and enjoying each other. They are such good sisters and it makes me very happy!
Hunter needed in on the action too.
No trip would be complete without some trampoline time.
They are so cute!!

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