Monday, December 17, 2012

New park!

There's a new park in town and it's stealing the show!  There are so many innovative, fun, and age appropriate structures here!  Another bonus is that just about everything spins!  I LOVE to spin!!  So do my kids.  As a result, we spent much of the day listening to Kolton as he giggled, "dizzy."  We will be spending a lot of time here in the future. 


  1. Please tell me where this is!!


  2. this park is amazing! i even tried out one of the sit and spin things and died laughing, it was pretty embarrassing come to think of it.
    THANK YOU so much for the goodies. you are such a good friend and we are going to miss you so!


  3. Jamee, it's the new play structure at Pah Rah...we should make it a play date some day soon.

    Rae, every adult must ride the spinny things...they are the reason after all! Also, I can't think of you leaving just yet. It's too heart breaking. I know it will be wonderful, but right now.... your last two posts made me bawl. Oh this life of change:)

  4. fun! WE will have to go sometime! I love your family picture in the header by the way! you all look GREAT!
