Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Year

From Christmas to New Year's we were home sick. We had the stomach flu and Xiana had a high fever for a long, long time. The day after New Year's we had been quarantined for long enough so we went with my brother and his family and my parents out in the hills. We had a wonderful time. Though, despite the last throw up from Xiana having been 9 days previous and 5 days previous for the rest of us, the following day mom and my brother's entire family were all sick. We felt bad, but we sure had a good time, and it was wonderful to get out of the house after being held prisoners for so long.
Kolton successfully ate a lot of dirt.  The girls had been dying to see each other so they had a lot of fun.
They hiked around and let loose which was extremely reassuring as Xiana had been secured to the couch for 6 days listless and immobile.
We love to take out dad's new 4-wheeler.   It is such a blessing to live close to them. 
Brian helped all the kids shoot the bb gun... which they were mighty impressed with.
These boys are wild and love nothing more than shooting guns and playing in dirt.  Despite cold forecasts, the weather was beautiful.
I think Eva was the only one who even bothered with a beanie
Xiana lost interest fast, but she wanted at least a shot.
We should have known Kolton's first time shooting would be a pink gun :)
I almost missed this photo, but my dad pointed out how cute it was.  We ended the day with explosives, but I don't have any pictures because I made videos instead.  It got really windy, but the explosions were quite impressive nevertheless.  I can't say that my family was glad we went, but we were :) IN the evening we went out to dinner when Xiana spiked her fever for one final time.  She went to bed at 7 and woke up fixed... at least for a few days ;)

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