Sunday, January 29, 2012

A few good memories...

It always makes me sad when my babies no longer fit in the dryer... okay, maybe I've actually never even considered that particular milestone because, before now, I've never had babies in the dryer.  Still, Kolton is unstoppable and moves from one thing to the next.  He is such a boy.  I imagine it won't be long before he is taking that dryer apart and putting it back together.  On the bright side, he is the most generous little kissing boy I've ever met.  Today in Sunday school a baby girl came over to him making kissing noises.  He kindly complied.  I might have almost fallen off my chair because it was the most adorable thing I've witnessed in a long time.
Xiana will not miss a photo op.  She also will not miss a single chance to sing a song.  I'm a bit ashamed to admit that she knows a great many Lady GaGa, Madonna, and other such irresponsible pop artist songs.  I did not know, however, that she also was a Britney Spears conoisseur.  The other day I had Oh Baby baby stuck in my head from playing Just Dance 3.  I was kind of humming it when, suddenly, Xiana belted the entire song out.  Oy Vai.  I am going to have a lot of explaining to do when she starts kindergarten.
A few weekends ago we went with some good friends and family to shoot some guns.  They had a mini van so we had to stay relatively close to the road.  It's too bad because there sure is a lot of garbage here.  I know that in the past young men have cleaned this particular stretch for Eagle scout projects.  I'd like to see it again. It really makes me sad that so many people leave/dump their trash out here. 
Xiana went to the dentist for the second time with no cavities!  She's such a big girl and sits up and gets x-rays and teeth cleanings like a champ.  It was actually a good experience for her friend Emma too because they happened to be waiting also so she got to see how painless it was for Xiana (not that she doesn't have plenty of older brothers to model this particular endeavor), but she and Xiana really love each other so I think it was a mutually positive experience.  I fear for poor Kolton's little teeth.  He often takes a middle of the night bottle and I give him bottles when we drive in the car which makes me nervous for his sex little teeth.  Xiana didn't get any until she was over a year which made them very easy to care for considering she no longer took a bottle.  We will see.  fortunately, he loves to play with his toothbrush so in the awake hours they get pretty clean.
I know I've written before about how memories are so important for kids and adults alike, but that sometimes, a revisionist memory is much better than the actual thing.  This is one of those times.  Brian and I thought it would be a great idea to go for a walk along the river.  Indeed it was very cold, but we took the necessary precautions and went for it anyway.  On the way up the trail we saw 4 deer, a beaver, and many birds.  It was very nice.  On the way back, we saw crying babies, and whining girls.  Seriously.  Plus, Kolton refused to spend one more second in the stroller and Xiana would not walk unless holding my hand which made my arms extremely tired.  We are trying to spend more time going for family walks.  The really challenging part is teaching little Miss always been carried that she can, gasp, walk!  She's getting better.  We are trying to force her out of the stroller a little more and make it fun, and competitive (two things she seems to thrive on). 
It was absolutely beautiful... for the first 20 minutes... then it was just plain frustrating! 
This little guy, cold or not, is pretty darn cute!

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