Wednesday, January 11, 2012


We tried really hard not to go crazy this year. Last year got a little out of hand. We did better, but there is such a temptation to spoil your kids rotten around the holidays. Plus, everybody else purchases gifts for them too. Sometimes I find it challenging to teach the spirit of Christmas when we fall into the trap of commercialism. Next year I hope to be better. I want to imprint a spirit of gratitude into my children. I know very well that the best way to do that is NOT to smother them with gifts. Still, we had a beautiful Christmas. Everybody had a wonderful time, and got spoiled and managed to eek out some gratitude so I would say it was a success.
This might not be the girls' favorite present, but it's mine!  4 foot tall paper dolls that you get to color the outfits.  So fun!
Ekco got a lot of cute clothes this year, partly because she needed them and partly because she's at that age.  She is kind of outgrowing toys.  I remember my tenth Christmas.  I got $100 to go on a shopping spree with.  I can vividly remember the outfits I bought with the money.  Like I said, it's the age.  Christmas isn't quite the same when you start outgrowing toys, but Ekco still made out like a bandit. 
It's become a tradition for me to make an annual calender.  Again, I'm not sure if it's better for me or the recipient.
Ekco also got the dolls, though she hasn't opened them yet so is unaware of their true value of fun, particularly for as aspiring fashion designer.
We had to wake up very early because Kylee had to be at her mom's at 7.  The kids anxiously awaited every one's arrival... okay, they might have been half asleep, but they were still anxious.
And they are present opening machines.  They know what they're doing!
Santa delivered getting Xiana her desired Dora and Ekco speakers for her ipod.
Kolton got a few v-techs, a bunch of balls, and some cookies.  His favorite things were: wrapping paper, pencils, and candy wrappers.
Santa also brought a whole bunch of bubble gum.  Grandma put her foot down and said that the gum couldn't be opened there.  We argued it was a perfect excuse to get new flooring.
Our little family... that's getting bigger all the time.  It was wonderful to wake up together on Christmas morning.
Looking at this picture I realized we didn't make it home with this ball...
The kids had a blast... I'm not sure how many bags of wrapping paper there were.
There was scarcely space to sit... let alone take pictures :)
Ekco also got a new journal to write in and to work on her story.  She has been writing a delightful story that we are going to have printed in a book when she's finished.  Merry Christmas!!  (bleated)

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