Thursday, May 5, 2011


Words cannot express how tender our sealing was. We are so blessed. We were overwhelmed with the Spirit, the love, the support, and the unity we felt.
Xiana was a tiny little angel. We were joined by family: my parents, Brian's parents, Cami and Cory, Nic (minus Karla due to a temple recommend expiration mishap), Jeff (minus Jenn due to sickness), Kesley and Rachel, Grandma and Grandpa Andersen (surprised us! We didn't know they were coming until the day before); and by dear friends: Cambridge, the Mooneys, the Seaveys, Bishop Stucki, the Abbotts, Nancy Slater, the Peters, the Gardeners, Jen Fick, Trisha Mooney, the Allens, and Lindsey Waite. When we walked into the sealing room it was the most remarkable feeling to look around and see so many important faces; people who have been instrumental in both our lives past and present, and family members we hold dear.
Bishop Mooney married us civilly a year ago and it was touching that he was able to join us as we came full circle. He commented on that several times. Additionally, George Tsukomoto was our sealer and he has been a dear friend of my parents and our family for years and years.
Everything about this day was a beautiful, profound, incredible, overwhelming, surreal experience. I am so grateful for Brian and his spirit, his devotion, his dedication, and his love. What a marvelous thing to know that we can be a family forever. We are so very blessed to know that "till death do you part" no longer applies to us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulations to your beautiful family! I have loved watching your journey from your blog address "You two frey girls" to the Andersens. I love it. I'm so happy for you all, and your soon to be here baby boy. THRILLED for you. I love you friend. So much.
