Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Despite my lack of posts, she still says funny things!

Time is just running away from me, but I don't want to forget to write some of the nuances in Xiana's imagination.

  • Brian always sings Charlie Brown and I always yell at him to stop because it gets stuck in my head. So now Xiana thinks it's really funny and she yells, "stop! It gets in my mommy's head!" Every day... no joke. Well, she has this radio that asks her questions and then records the answers to play back. The other day it asked her what she would say if she were a daddy and she said, "fee fee fii fii foo foo fum" which is the beginning of the song. I saved it to play for Brian.
  • She is obsessed with our wedding song and asks 15 times a day to hear mommy and daddy's song. It is Chances Are by Bob Seger and Martina McBride. She sits in the back seat and belts the lyrics at the top of her lungs. She's gotten so she knows almost all the words to the song and I catch her singing it all over the place. It's interesting that without telling her she knew it was mommy and daddy's song from the first time we played it in the car. Well, the other day she asked me, "does this boy and this girl love each other?" "sure" "and are they gonna have babies?" She also assures anyone who will listen that it is Bob Saager.
  • When she heard the song that my dad and I danced to she said, "did you marry grandpa?" I told her "no, but I danced with him." She said, "and who was carrying me when you danced?" "I don't know, I didn't see you for hours that night." "Oh, I think it must have been Zachary."
  • One day we were dancing in the living room and she said, "hold my hands mommy, we're married!"
  • She continues to amaze me with her ability to remember people. After one introduction, months later she can identify where she knows my friends from and where she saw them last and does it all the time.
  • Her new big thing: "no I amn't."
  • One day while driving down the road in 30 degree weather with serious winds she exclaimed, " I see the sun outside! We better go to Lake Tahoe!"
  • Today at Burger King her friend showed her where to put her shoes and she said, "that was very nice of you Charlie."
  • The water wouldn't go down the drain in the tub and she said, "daddy said that's because of your bum hair." :)
  • We were at Target buying a massive rake 2 feet wide and Xiana asked, "is that for daddy's whiskers?"
  • We had a FHE lesson on the prophet and the following week she brought me a picture and said, "look, I see the prophet president Monson" and she was right.
  • I gave her a bath with her little boy cousin the other day and afterwards I was putting a diaper on him. She was getting dressed and alarmed cried out, "what's that thingy?!" I explained to her that it was a boy's private parts and both girls and boys have private parts. She asked, "my daddy has that thingy too? Where's mine?"
  • She plays make believe all day long every day, but here are my top three imaginary episodes of the last 3 weeks: 1: I'm gonna make you dinner otay? otay, first you put a little bit of oil (pours rocks into her hands) sssssssssssss, then you add the garlic (adds some dirt to it) then you eat it. Oh, it's hot? You better blow on it (blows). I yike garlic. Is it too much?" 2: (on her cell phone in the back seat which she is constantly talking on generally about school which she has yet to attend) Hi Charilie, yeah? I went to school today and I rode the bus and it was a lot of fun. Kate was there and Charlie and Colby Callait gave me candy. She's really nice. Uh huh, yeah, okay, see you later, bye ( I interrupted, "what did you just say?") Colby Callait came to my school and gave me candy. She's really nice. 3: X:Oh no, my baby threw up on the floor. me: you better clean it up. X:I can't, I don't have any wipekins. me: Well, I don't know what to tell you. X: Just a minute, I'll be right back. (She walks around the corner and speaking to empty air) X: Hi boy, can you please come and clean up my baby's throw up with your wipekins? You can? Great, thanks! ( she walks back around and over to me) the boy is gonna come clean it up with his wipekins.
  • Less you think that life around Xiana is always this fun and entertaining, let me assure you that she has fully embraced a defiant, screaming no repeatedly phase. She is awfully funny, but this morning she went to time out 4 times before she ate her breakfast... no joke! Some day I'll keep a list of the sassy things she says:)

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