Sunday, September 20, 2009

Virginia City

As I child, I went to Virginia City all the time and have many a fond memory of the place. But I must say, all things are more enchanting when you take your children to them. Suddenly, the window shopping and tourist traps become novelties that you just can't live without. First, we went on a train ride. It probably wasn't the best idea to bring the stroller to this particular part of the day as there were several flights of stairs, but we managed.

On the train we sat across from a couple from Canada. Apparently they are loaded because they talked about all the states... as in all 50 of them, and several other countries that they have visited recently. They were so nice and remarked several times that of all the places they have been, people here are the friendliest. Xiana was a bit of a pill on the ride, though I'm sure she enjoyed herself. She kept saying, "airplane."
After the train ride, we rushed up to the street for the parade. Don't get too excited... it was mainly just cars and businesses, but fortunately, we didn't miss out on this gem...
His name is Stinky, and he has a Mrs. Stinky who matches, though we missed the photo op. They held hands and marched in the parade. Then there was a civil war reenactment that was very loud and exciting. We went ahead of the hordes of people and ordered our food right before the battle ended allowing us to make it out of there almost before Xiana's meltdown.
A trip to Virginia city isn't complete without going to jail...
And often getting a newspaper with the gory details of your arrest. There is a place that prints old newspapers with hilarious headlines and inserted names.... but we didn't make it.... it was nap time.
We did get ice cream which is another must when you head the 30 minutes up the mountain to the good old miner town. Then we went to Davis Creek, the park, Sheils, the water fountains at Legends, the grocery store, and then made dinner. It was a FUN FILLED day!

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