Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kids say the darnedest things!

  • (While clearing her throat like Grandpa does in the mornings) "I copying grandpa mommy"
  • Eva hurt herself and was crying. In a panic, Xiana said, "Eva crying mommy, I kiss Eva!" She then proceeded to find Eva's blankie and bring it to her accompanied by a sweet kiss.
  • I asked Xiana where she got her runny nose from and she replied, "umm, in Reno."
  • Brian asked her how long she napped for. She promptly told him, "two minutes" demonstrating her grasp of the correct terminology to use to answer a question of that nature.
  • Her bed time is 8:30 so no matter what time it is, if you ask her it is, "eight firty"
  • After petting the deer in Brian's garage one night, Xiana included in her bedtime prayers "thank you for deer." I laughed so hard she now includes that in all her prayers. Another night she was repeating after me for her prayers. It went something like this:
me: thank you for mama
Xiana: thank you for Brian
me: thank you for grandma and grandpa
Xiana: thank you for Brian
me: thank you for Garrett
Xiana: thank you for Brian
and, well, you get the point.
  • She is really getting a handle on her prepositions and tells me all the time, " I under, I over, I inside, I out, etc etc.
  • I previously wrote about how she has mastered the use of possessives by adding the s sound to the end of the noun. Following that grammatical rule, she has taken to calling things "mine's." It is adorable!
  • While climbing over me again and again she told me, "scuse me mommy."
  • During church she said, "I burped!" and laughed. Then, and without provocation, "Brian burp!" This was, of course, during the sacrament so it was extra quiet. She would not be dissuaded either until I finally agreed, yes, you're right (despite the fact that she wasn't)
  • My uncle Wes and aunt Merna came out for a brief visit and at the end of the evening Xiana climbed onto my aunt's lap and said, "hi moyerna" much to our surprise!
  • She brought me her book titled "I am a child of God" and said, "read child of God" She then sang the entire song in a really high voice. I almost cried!
  • After going to the hot air balloon races she told me all day, "mommy biiiig baloons!"
  • And finally, Xiana is using her potty all the time now. I haven't done a thing and I still put her in diapers, but several times a day she says, "diaper off" and then she does her thing...even #2! She is growing so fast and she is such a pleasure!

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