Sunday, September 20, 2009


Yet another perk of living in Sparks.... you can go hiking virtually in your backyard. In Vegas Sarah and I would make a day of it when we went on a hike. Here, Brian and I have been able to head out AFTER he gets off work (4:30) and still make it back in time for dinner. It's awesome! We've gone on a few (very modest) hikes this week, much to my amusement. I love hiking. It's hunting season, and my new beau is a hunter (I know right!?) so he prepares for the season by hiking. The other day he said, "thanks for going hiking with me" to which I responded, "oh you're welcome," in a tone that indicated I was doing something so very generous for him. Talk about a win-win situation! I get to go hiking and I get brownie points for doing it. Seriously though, it is really wonderful and the weather is cooling down which is perfect for the hills. Also, there are about a baazillion trails around here: close, far, short, long, whatever?! I'm looking forward to lots more, and to having someone to go on the "lots more" with.

Brian let Xiana drive on the way out which she, of course, relished in. At first I objected, but he insisted that it is okay in the mountains. The problem now is that every time we get in the car Xiana demands, "I drive!" She was really cute though and we emphatically told her what a great driver she was to which she responded, "yeah."

Here we are another day... not a great pic...I don't know why I included it...I also don't know why I feel the need to keep it.... or to write about of consciousness I guess.

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