me: I'll do whatever I'm supposed to do and whatever is going to be best for me and Xiana, only please don't make me leave Reno. Okay, I guess that's not really fair because I know you won't make me do anything so I'm deciding... I'm going to stay here so please make it work.
At this stage in my dialogue I really felt like I just needed to make a decision because I know that's how prayers work. You decide and then you pray about whether or not that decision is right, right? Next I began to feel like either way would be okay but.... still no job and no prospect of one. I applied for every secondary position that was posted (which was minimal at best) and then I began trying to determine if I had any right to turn down a job with the economy the way it is, if I got hired in Co. Who am I to turn down a job? And isn't that an answer? Then, on a whim I emailed one of my old professors at UNR and asked for a recommendation to the composition dept. I really thought it was futile since, like other states, Nevada has just taken an abysmal hit in higher education. Then I started to second guess myself. Was I just determining the answer that I wanted independent of any divine counsel? Was I looking so hard for the answer that I wanted that I was blinded to the answer that was? I hoped not! Then (choir of angels awwwwwww) the very day that the job was posted in Co I received an email requesting an interview for UNR. Coincidence? I don't think so! Elated I called Larissa to tell her my good news and discovered that my liaison at that school had quit. Coincidence? I don't think so! Then I reviewed the posted position and discovered that it was nothing that I was looking for at all which filled me with relief, though I was still quite anxious given I had no concrete job. Still, I felt like the Lord was confirming that my decision to stay was correct. Or it was a tender mercy on my behalf in response to my heart felt begging to stay near my parents (to say nothing of my budding romance :) Either way, things were really starting to fall into place for me. So on Tuesday, with a resume, a prayer, and a business suit I went to my interview and..... I got the job! I'm pretty sure words would do a great disservice to the gratitude that I feel, not only for getting a job, but for knowing without a doubt that the Lord is ALWAYS mindful of both my needs and my wants and that He allows me agency to choose while simultaneously blessing me for heeding his counsel... and attempting to find assurances that it is indeed, His counsel :)
Lenaya, that is great news! I'm glad to see that things are working out so well for you and X.