Monday, May 11, 2009

It's official

I am an official graduate. I now have a master's degree in English Literature, and I am so proud! Graduating is such a surreal experience. All that hard work and those moments of "will I ever make it?" are replaced with elation, relief, and "that wasn't so bad." It's funny how quickly we forget hard things, particularly when we accomplish great things. I am done. I am happy. I am sad. I am writing simple three word sentences because I can, and sometimes they say it all. In addition, I have given myself the go-ahead in creating new words. At the park I said "exaggeratory" and my mom said that a graduate should not be using words that don't exist. I quickly corrected her and assured her that college graduates get to make up words. Oh the luxuries of being learned so good :) On a hilarious side note, at commencement they would not shake hands dues to swine flu. What an appropriate ending to my stay at UNLV. That evening we had a BBQ to celebrate and I am so grateful to all of my friends who came to play and share the day with me. I love you all and you will all be greatly missed!

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