Saturday, January 3, 2015

The littles at home

The littles at home get fewer and fewer.... These moments are so fleeting, I sometimes feel as if I blink, I might miss it all!  Kolton is gone at is preschool twice a week and then has an all day play date with his bff once a week.  It's been interesting this semester to have some one on one time with Argenta... something Kolton didn't get until he was closer to 2!  Argenta likes to hold her own bottle (that way she can NOT drink it, and spill it all over the place instead.) It's a little tricky taking a shower. I typically hop in with her and then put her in this rock and play when she's finished so that I can finish up... except when I discovered that she can sit up easily and, it appears, get herself right out of her rocker.  This day she wanted to brush her hair. She loves to float around in the bath and Kolton will play in there for hours.  Bathtime has been a handy grading tool this semester.  They play so nicely together.  Kolton is completely gentle with her, and everything she does makes him laugh. In the mornings she is typically in my bed because I nurse her there when she wakes up. He gets up about 30 minutes before Xiana so he joins us and laughs and laughs at Argenta. Then, Xiana comes upstairs and she and Kolton immediately start fighting so I kick them both out. Poor Xiana doesn't even know what she's missing! They all get excited when daddy comes home (although Argenta is still arguably a mommy's girl). She LOVES to wrestle daddy! And Kolton, and anybody who will lay on the floor. Whenever Brian is home, she crawls over and acts as if she's pinning him and bobs her head up and down like she's really proud of herself.  All Brian has to do is say, "let's wrestle!" and she will head directly over to tumble around.  Brian is so cute with these kids. They adore their daddy and each other. It's hard to believe there won't always be a baby around the house.  I miss them already.

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