Friday, November 8, 2013


This is only two months late.  I feel like I might never dig my way back up to speed, but... I'll just keep posting :)  Xiana's first day of kindergarten was back in August.  It was darling at her assessment she knew every letter, cap and lower case, every number, counted to 100, added, subtracted, did it all.  Her teachers commented over and over again about how smart she was.  When we were leaving, she looked up at me and eagerly asked, "did I get in?" Sweet little girl.  For her, the stakes were high.  On her first actual day of school Kolton came out with two backpacks and said, " I ready for cool!" He spent the entire day dragging those packs around.  We had to remind him again and again that when he was 5 he'd get to go to school.  At a restaraunt later that week, a few older men said, "hi." He promptly responded, "I five, I go to cool!" Silly boy.  At any rate, Xiana's first day was quite the success.  She loves school and has two team teachers (man and woman).  I'm so grateful that she gets to attend with so many of her friends from our ward.  What a blessing it is that she has so many LDS friends.  When I was in school, I can't remember a single person in my class from church.  Her first day of school didn't make me feel sad. None of the mom's teared up or anything.  But I will say, after her assessment, I was beaming with pride and tears streamed down my face as I realized the one person I wanted to call who'd truly appreciate and agree with my bragging was my dad.  Even now, it's hard not to cry when I think about it.  I know that he knows.  I just wish I could pick up the phone and tell him. The second week of school was grandparent breakfast, and it was such a tender mercy that my aunt was in town so that mom didn't have to attend alone.  They had a wonderful time.  I know there are more blessings than I can count.  Sometimes I just have to remember.

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