Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ekco returns.... in better health!

Because Ekco had to leave early due to pneumonia, she got to return a few weeks later and the difference in her health was astronomical. It ended up working out nicely because one week is not long enough to get homesick, but is long enough to do a lot of fun things. This time around we didn't have to feel as guilty about taking her to places she loves the most... water! (though she had a nasty cough that never did go away completely). So, for family home evening we went to the river and swam up and down and up and down, just like true mermaids.
As usual... it was a blast. In the last few years the city has built these river parks that are beautiful, crowded, and safe.
You can touch the bottom almost the whole way across.
While Ekco and I swam, Brian fed Xiana cherries... one of her heart's delights.
Strike a pose-- this was one of many photos taken by Brian.... the rest are... well, nevermind.
Another day I took the girls to play group at the fountains.
Xiana was kind of a pill that day, but I can't expect her to ALWAYS be fun:)
Then we took two more trips to Lake Tahoe... my favorite place on earth.
The girls caught crawdads and seriously attempted to catch fish.... alas they could not prevail with a bucket and a shovel. Surprised?
One of the trips was play group in our new ward and Aunt Ali came with us. After a bit of a hike we finally found our group and then proceeded to hang out by ourselves for the remainder of the day. Oh well, it's the thought that counts and at least we got to say hello to some of my new ward members. I tend to enjoy swimming back and forth to the bouies the most. Not very many others aspire to that particular hobby.
Another great mermaid pose.
We also went to a concert in the park, ate dinners, went to friend's houses, and pretty much enjoyed ourselves to the best of our ability. It was really wonderful and something that we will always cherish. Next summer when it comes time for Ekco to stay again I hope she will be beside herself with excitement (and I think she will be!)

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