Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Crescent City

We pulled into Crescent city after a long and windy road. Brian didn't appreciate this road all that much, but, alas, this is what we first encountered in this run down, beautiful city.....
I know that it's overcast, and I know that I absolutely positively could not live somewhere coastal where it rains and is gloomy all the time. But... because I don't live there.... there is something so magical about the ocean. I love to breathe in the air. To feel the mist on my face. To hear the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore. To hear the birds, the wind, the foghorns is breathtaking. Every time I am at the ocean I feel closer to God. It may sound stupid, but I just feel like He created something so majestic, for us, and it makes me love Him even more. As a result, when we pulled up to the ocean, I looked over at my handsome husband and it made me love him more too. Magic right? Brian is a mountain man and he loooves the mountains and I do too, but.... he can still appreciate a beautiful scene when he sees one. This city was run down, but it didn't matter. In fact, that added to its charm. We really enjoyed our couple of days here.... though Brian was pretty sick from the ride and the big trees closing in on us.
Isn't it tragic? I feel simultaneously inspired and defeated. I know I know, that's just strange. But I do. It's so gloomy, but so perfect. This pier looks completely forgotten about, but still so very important.
I slipped these pics in but I'm pretty sure they are on our way back from Crater Lake.
Maybe not. The chronological order leads us next to the Trees of Mystery where Paul Bunyan and Babe greeted us at the entrance.
This was a neat little park where you get to ride a sky tram and look at the red woods from above, the side, and below. It was impressive, but I must say, after visiting the avenue of the giants, these redwoods had nothing on the real deal. This was Brian's first visit to the redwoods so now I feel a moral obligation to take him to the truly enormous trees in the avenue of the giants. Still, there were some big trees.

I love pictures going up but I couldn't fit the tree tops. One of the trees here was 19 feet in diameter!
This is called a cathedral when the trees grow together like this. Brian and I decided to renew our vows. It's never too early. They said they perform some 200 weddings a year here.
This is the view from the sky lift. Most people rode it down as well since it came with warnings and disclaimers about the advanced hike down.
But not us.
We used their sticks for walking down the steep sides... er... um... I mean we rode the sticks down the side of the mountain like broom sticks.
Oh wait, that's not how it went. We shot at the sky lift and made it come pick us up.
Oops, I mean we played a quick game of baseball.
Isn't it interesting that Brian took such time and care to teach me how to properly use a walking stick? Surprisingly enough, I needed no such lesson. Apparently I am the only one of us who knows how to use said sticks.
Although the stick didn't do much to ward off this serpent.
So here's the deal. When the owners of this forest bought this property, they went in to replant what the loggers (those terrible peeps) had destroyed. All of a sudden *gasp* they found a whole bunch of carvings, and I mean a whole bunch. I am giving you a very minor selection, but there were a lot. So they set them up and are now part of their display. I know man, I think he stinks too!
Then, in the spirit of carving, before we left Brian carved this for me with his pocket knife. Isn't he sweet?
And that brings me back closer to God.
We walked in the water and played on the beach despite the frigid temps. Our feet got numb relatively quickly and it was salty, sandy, super.
Watch out, the waves are coming to get you!
And me!
This is Brian's rendition of Chariots of Fire... can't you just hear it?
We asked Xiana whose foot was whose and she quickly explained that daddy doesn't wear paint.
We could have and should have swam this day but...
Instead we just let our clothes get drenched from the waves.
And wrote in the sand.
Just in case we forgot.
My dad would have been utterly disappointed in us had we not picked wild berries and eaten a few. Because I can't stand seeds, Brian fulfilled this task quite diligently. We had to take a picture for proof.
He also found wild blue berries but wasn't brave enough to eat them.
Of course, being Brian, he was always on the lookout for wildlife and just as we were leaving he spotted this.... I don't know how he saw them through the break on the freeway, but he did and we took the next exit and found them. Now that's not something you see every day.

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