Friday, March 27, 2009

Proud Mommy

As if the spectacular choices of flavors and toppings at yogurt land wasn't enough, tonight there was entertainment in the park. After going to participate in the deliciousness that is yogurt land with some friends, we took our kids to the park in the middle of town square. This is a beautiful play land with mini themed houses, a hedge maze, and water that shoots up from the ground. In addition, tonight they had two Latino men with speakers, a keyboard, mikes, and balloons running around singing and dancing with the kids. They did the hokey poky, several mambas, the wheels on the bus, the mockarena, and something in Spanish that I didn't quite understand. They jumped and danced, and ran around with some 40 kids trailing after them, copying their moves and singing along. Although Xiana was scarcely half the size of the next smallest child, she was right there with them. She quickly caught on to the dance moves and jumped and shushed and widow wiped to her little heart's content. Several parents commented to me on how remarkable it was that she could do the hand movements and follow the directions so well. My heart swelled with pride as I watched my tiny, fearless daughter eagerly join in the fun and know that she was just as big and just as able as everybody else. I wish I had my camera! When we walked to the car with balloon in hand I asked her if she had fun. She emphatically said, "yes" and laid her head on my shoulder so tenderly. I said, "are you an angel?" and again, she said, "yes!"


  1. Spencer had SOOO much fun. :) My kiddos didn't want to leave but you definitely outlasted us.:)
