Sunday, March 8, 2015


No matter how much we try to convince her, this little girl just won't stop growing.  She's a delight with the sweetest disposition ever.  She's recently started walking around everything but is hesitant to take the plunge into true walking. She's talking and says, "mama, dada, baba, all done, hi, bye" all with incredible enthusiasm. She loves meat and vegetables.  She won't eat baby food, and she doesn't love fruit.  Although she will put down an apple in no time. She's ticklish, she smiles her gap toothed smile if you so much as look at her, she's independent and is happy to bebop around the house getting into things.  She's the fastest crawler I've ever seen! She is the best eater we've had yet. She loves crab and fish, spaghetti, and all things chocolate (which she really shouldn't know yet). She just got her first ear infection which I consider great success since she's ten months old! She has hair for days with ca-licks that force it into her eyes, so she has to have pony tails virtually all the time.  She points at things everywhere we go sometimes yelling as she goes.  She's really loud.. surprise surprise.  Her daddy says she's a REALLY good baby.... her mommy definitely agrees!

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