Saturday, October 13, 2012


Seriously, I think Xiana might be the cutest little ballerina that ever lived.  When I was a little girl, I wanted to take dance classes so desperately.  I don't know why my parents never consented.  Perhaps it had to do with the ten thousand other engagements I and my four other siblings had.  At any rate, I wanted to dance. I never got to dance.  As a result, I am the most uncoordinated woman alive!  I mean, I have loathed dancing most of my adult life because I simply cannot keep a beat and, am therefore incredibly uncomfortable and insecure when it comes to busting a move in public.  When Xiana asked if she could take dance classes, it hit me in a way it probably doesn't hit most mothers.  I didn't feel the "I want to live vicariously through you" pang, nor did I experience the, "you're going to have all the opportunities that I did not."  No, instead I recalled a hundred moments in my life when those around me were letting loose, dancing, having a good time while I stood frigid, scared, and incapable of moving for fear of embarrassment or injury.  So, I jumped on it.  I'm not convinced these little four year olds are learning technique or true ballet, but I am thoroughly convinced they are learning poise, confidence, and a trust in their bodies that will help carry them through this life.  I am convinced that the more comfortable Xiana is with herself, the stronger she will be in life.  I am convinced that if the girl wants to dance, she should get to!  I don't foresee a professional ballerina  in my future, or a hip hop guru (though I guess you never know), but I do foresee a confident, happy, able to let go and have fun girl and woman.  That is worth it!  Plus, she is just so stinking rotten cute in her get up!

1 comment:

  1. I second your assessment: it doesn't get any stinking rotten cuter than that!!:)
