Thursday, September 22, 2011


Day three was spent at my favorite place on earth. It was wonderful. The kids played and played and played some more. In fact, when asked what their favorite day was they unanimously agreed Tahoe day was the best. Danielle ate her weight in sand.

And Ekco spent roughly 11 minutes out of the water. Xiana prides herself on her ability to "swim" with arm floaties. She can't actually swim, though I think she will be easy to teach as she naturally kicks her legs and uses her arms to get around. Ekco is a good little swimmer already.
This was Kolton's first time in Tahoe. I expected him to freak out, but he surprised me. He didn't even flinch at the icy water. Still, he spent the majority of the day in his tent on the sand. Daddy hung out with him quite a bit which was nice for me.
He sure was cute out there!!!
The girls stuck together at the lake too while the boys ventured a little farther, were a little braver, and got a little more burned.
There was a lot of sand castle building, and floating on tubes. I am so impressed with how well all the boys can swim. The lessons have really paid off.
I meant to get a picture of each family, but I fell short!
nap time with daddy. I'm pretty sure they both slept.
We brought cherries and Danielle thought they were delicious.
I believe this castle was complete with a mote.
What a fun and relaxing way to spend the day. The kids got on their rafts and then held on to each other to stay together.
It was a beautiful day, and I got to swim out to the buoys 3 times!!!
I always think there is something poetic about the back of people in front of water.
This little man was such a trooper and won the award for the cutest 3 month old on a raft.
He fell asleep on the raft as did Danielle. I said it was soothing!!

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