Monday, March 13, 2017

Garrett and Kelli

We only went swimming at Garrett's house once this summer which is a shame since they got a cover that makes it super warm. Still, we spent all afternoon there, and it was a blast.  Poor Xiana had a fever for about a week and was feeling lousy.  The other kids never got it, and I never figured out what it was from, but she tried to swim and enjoy the day, mostly sitting in the warm sun to combat the chills from her fever.  Poor girl.  Kolton is getting to be a real swimmer, begging me always, "please let me take off my floaties," Sometimes, he finds himself in danger, splashing furiously to find something to hold onto. Brave, fearless, frighteningly bold little boy.  Argenta followed suit, taking her floaties off insisting she was done swimming for the day.  Xiana foreshadowed the events when, after getting dressed I sat by the edge with my feet in the pool and she asked, "If Argenta were drowning, would you jump in in your clothes to save her?" "Silly girl, of course! What do you think is more important? Dry clothes or Argenta?!" Not five minutes later I heard Danielle scream, "Aunt Lenaya!" I looked over to see what nightmares are made of: Argenta bobbing in the water.  I jumped in, in my clothes, and pulled her out.  She hadn't been under long enough to even be choking, but she was afraid.  I don't know what would have happened had Danielle not seen her.  I hope that was a big enough scare for her to be less emboldened near the water.   I'm so grateful for the outcome...

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