Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Xiana's best friend, Kinlee, moved to Wyoming this year. My heart broke for them as they said their goodbyes. I remember well when my own best friend moved away in the first grade.  What an impact a single person can have on our lives!!!  Xiana has done very well with the loss, but she has certainly shed some tears. 

She got to make a doll for school that represented her culture. She made both an African doll and a German doll. Funny girl. 

She moved into her own room (post to follow) and it was as if a light switched and she instantly grew up over night. She decided not to move any toys into her new, big girl room.  And lately, when we have families over, I find her sitting in the living room, listening to the adults talk rather than running outside with the kids. It seems so startling to me for her to change so drastically, it seems over night. I know there is still a little girl in there, but her conversations have quietly shifted from talk of toys and games, to analysis of others' actions and words or things she's learned. It's so wonderful, and terrifying, and heartbreaking all at the same time.  Of course, we want our children to learn and grow and age.  But, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't ache for the tender years of toddler hood with my sweet first born.  She's so responsible and helpful around the house. She's become my right-hand man always wanting to assist in meal prep and organizing clothes. I'm grateful for her.  She's taught me so much and continues always to teach me more. Right now, I'm learning in poignant ways not to wish away my season.  They are so fleeting. I will only be stressing about childcare and babysitters for an instant. And then, I will ache for a time when those were my concerns.  Every season is wonderful, I must embrace them while they're here.  This new season of independence is brutiful.  Oh how I love this little, big girl.

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