Friday, January 22, 2016

AJ AKA Crazy Pants

This little bundle of 18 month-old craziness is enough to simultaneously make my heart leap for joy and my brain swell with relief that we aren't having anymore kids.  She is such a darling little bully that I can't help but love her to pieces while also cringe at the thought of chasing her in one more place. Developmentally she's on point with her language and actions and behaviors.  She says everything from, "Hewo, You?!" while pretending to talk on her cell phone to "prayer, Amen!"  There isn't much the kid can't either say or communicate in another way.  She's pretty bossy and continues to strike fear in the hearts of her fellow (twice the size of her) nursery goers.  She says, "cheese" when she gives her cheesy grin, says , "woa" and "weee" and "happy baby" about a thousand times a day. When she prays she includes her "mommy, daddy, buppy (her name for Kolton) Nana, (Xiana), sissy (ekco), home, baby, doggy, bed, home, and food." When Kolton cries she always rushes to wrap her arms around him and comfort him. She's aggressively affectionate regularly knocking people over with her over enthusiastic hugs.  She plays make-believe and is rarely found without a baby, a doggy or both in her arms. She sings to them and rocks them and wraps them in blankets. She uses their little plastic hands to turn off lights and regularly puts them in her high chair at meal times.  She loves to tease and play and is ALWAYS cheerful even while pushing kids over like bowling pins.  She is a little stick of dynamite, dynamic in every way and overwhelmingly loved. We are so grateful she's ours regularly lamenting what we will do when we don't have a baby anymore.

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